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Bèta Research: making science applicable


Your problem ...

We help companies solve problems which are related to physics or information technology. We define models, carry out complex calculations and perform simulations. But, we always focus on the solution, since only with this you may continue your business. Taking the insight gained as a starting point, we help you with doing experiments in a systematic fashion. If needed we develop software to support data analysis. Furthermore, we provide you with proposals with real practical value to improve your products. And, naturally, we lay down our findings in a concise and modern manner. We do speak, despite our origin, your language!

  Simulationresult, click to view the project description.  

An impression of the simulation of a measurement device. This simulation has been carried out by software especially constructed for the task. The process dynamics make it almost impossible to use a standard CFD application in this particular case.

... our challenge.

We already exist for seven years now. Despite, but maybe also due to the well known research-giants. Specialism is important, but in order to operate in a cost-effective manner we believe in the multidisciplinary approach of research. We use knowledge as a tool to gain insight in the specific problems we encounter. Knowledge from scientific literature or, if necessary, developed by ourselves. From this experience it is that we can assist you with: